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Ultraman One (ウルトラマンワンUrutoraman Wan?) is the son of Ultraman Zero and Ultrawoman Zeth. He has the combined aspects of Ultraman Zero and Ultraseven, having identical traits primiraily his protectors, triple sluggers, color timer and beam lamp, being inherited from them. One inherited the color green from Zeth, being the first Ultra to be resistant to the cold. As a powerful young and elite Ultra, he has a past that he is unwilling to tell to most people.

Curently, One lives in the King's Temple and mentored over young Ultras as their teacher.


"I will bring peace to the Land of Light to stop your rampage in the universe"

―A quote to Belial

"Everyone's dreams can be achieved be not giving up hope and make the impossible possible using the strength in your heart. Anything in the world can be achieved will real courage.Thank you, SACD. Goodbye."

―One's final words before leaving Earth in the movie

"Do not insult my father!!"

―One to Belial when Belial mocked Zero

"We will win this round Emperor! With the Ultra Brothers strength, me and Reuz are far from losing....Never give up and till the sucess is we guide me along."

―One in Cho Final Showdown

"I am One,Ultraman One"

―His famous opening words

"Lila, I will commited to you for eternally and will protect you from what kinds of challenges ahead of us."

―One oath to Lila


One was born in the healing chamber in King's Temple as the son of Ultraman Zero and Ultrawomen Zeth.
Young Age
One is an Ultra who attended elementary school and become close friends with Ultraman Xena and Ultraman Giga. Apart from studying and doing well in his training, he usually follows his mother to the King's Temple to visit his grandfather. One will also follow Zero to the Mighty Base to see how Zero and his friends handle threats in the universe. Since then, Zero entrusted One to Leo, Astra and even Ultraman King to train him and groom him to become an Ultra Warrior to combat the dark figure.
The Tragic
One, Xena and Giga where playing a nearby moon near the Land of Light, they were having fun and practicing their energy attack. Belial, who was watching this, feared that he rival son will someday be his obstacle and thus enticed a plan. Using his darkness powers, Belial created a backhole, the blackhole suck in everything in the moon, One and Xena where at the verge of getting sucked into the blackhole, Giga pushed them aside and causes himself to suck into the blackhole and disappear. One and Xena were horrified that their friend was gone like this.
Punishment/ Road to Redemption
Xena punched One and walked away, ending their friendship. Xena vowed to make One pay. Soon, One's parents came and take One to the Plasma Spark towards for negotiations. One was sent to the dungeons King's Temple for his actions and not informing the elders where he was going to think and redeem his actions. Eventually, One was freed and continued his trainings and duties more seriously, obeying the others of his comrades respectfully. Xena eventually forgived One for his actions and vowed to find Giga together.
Climatic Battle!Ultraman One vs Reuz and One vs Faust
After knowing of an unknown wandering in space, One travel to the strange planet to combat Ultraman Reuz with One emerged victorious and later received treatment for his wounds. Zero then warned One not to use his Aura Mode again. Later, One and his comrades team up with Reuz to fight again Belial and Faust by awakening the essences of Ultraman Uzone.

Ultraman One Series
First Battle
One landed to Earth in order to guard it from threats. First defeating Spider Zetton with the help of Xena.
Giga's Return and Reunion with Reuz
One reunited with Ultraman Giga after he come back from Noa's Universe to defeat Alien Magician at the cost of a women the alien possessed earlier on, Giga then revived her and merged with her under the alias Mirai Tomoya. One also reunited with Reuz, and was revived with a new form with Reuz and eclipse power. One team up with Reuz, Giga and Xena to defeated the lunar alien.
Evil Clone
After having a nightmare with One fighting One Darkness and getting brutally assaulted by his clone. One fought against One Darkness whom diguised as Kato Mosa, despite losing earlier on. One managed to gather his love and courage, defeated One Darkness. Just as though his job is finished, Belial gathered the souls of eight deceased monsters and fused them. One and his friends loss and caused the Earth to be lost. Fortunately, Zero, Mebius, Hikari, Ace, Leo and Dyna came and saved the Earth. Ace remained behind as Hokuto in One's place as he returns for treatment.
New Comrade
Sometime later, One returned back to Earth and tougher threats came about, One was eventually tired after defeating Jurugomo Phantom and Treedon, One Darkness returns and tricked One to defeat him. One Darkness transformed into his Calmity Form and reverted One back to his human form after using too much energy. After his mother treated him, King gave One the Lightning Spark, a legendary device and purified One Darkness from the darkness alongside his own powers. One obtained One Darkness as a new comrade.
Final Battle
Belial then personally descended on Earth with his armies of Darkclops , attacking Earth and Land of Light. Even with Zero's help, Belial possessed him and transformed into Zero Darkness. One, with Xena, Giga and OneD fought Belial but he easily shrugged off their attacks and defeating them by using Zero's forms including Ultimate Zero. But, hopes enraged after One Darkness revived Zero with all his light but Belial almost killed him by plunging Kato Mosa to a river. After trusting the love for humanity and the love for the Ultras, the Ultras transformed for one last time and fought Belial and his army, Zero returned to Land of Light while Xena and Giga fought their clones, One fought Belial across the solar system using the Lightning Spark, first at Pluto where both had a swordfight then on Uranus and Neptune with their attacks and physical arts. Landing on the dark planet, One defeated Belial and his threats by sealing him to the Lightning Spark. After a buffet and reunion with SACD, One seperated from One Otari, thanking him for his actions and departed for the Land of Light.
Ultraman One vs Ultraman Virus
5 years after the defeat of Belial, One return to the Earth to save Lila from the dark Ultra,Ultraman Virus. On Earth,new challenges are faced and new adventure are more challenging.One will overcome this challenges and move on as a ultra? He later merged and become as One with One Otari,officially taken One Otari as his human form after the youth killed in a plague. After defeating Virus and reversed the plague,he rescued Lila and along with Zero, One married Lila in their human forms at a hotel in Tokyo, Japan. With their friends at SACD, Zero as Ran, Xena and Giga as Haruto and Mirai, they witnessed One and Lila taking the oath to be husband and wife for eternaty. Soon, after a final shred tears, One, Lila and his friends returned back to the land of light.
Ultraman One
The Final Showdown: COMING SOON
Ultraman Spectrum(Series)
One retired from his duties as an Ultra Warrior thousand years later, One and Lila went to King's Temple along with Jane and his husband, Spectrum. One currently trains younger Ultras to become Ultra Warrior to combat threats and adviced them on what to do.




Normal Form

One appears as a mixed color ultra in his normal form. One is mostly green around his body with his protectors similar to Zero, with a beam lamp and color timer. One also markings of orange, red and blue around his body.

Strong Form

One appearance changes to red around his body and his triple sluggers remains intact. He is stronger in his ultra armor and in terms of strength.The cost is One is not the fast in his other forms.

Agile Form

One appearance changes to entirely blue.

Crescent Form

One appearance changes to orange while retaining much of his green markings.

Wisdom Form

One appearance completely changes with his Ultra Armor being in white and golden in colour, One's protectors become circulated around with body and his color timer changed to diamond shaped while his beam lamp remains the same.

Slugger Form

One is similar to his Normal with his Chest Armor as an exception.

Hexagonal Form

One's appearance remaind the same for his body except for his head, bearing the Sixtuple Sluggers, which the twice the amount of sluggers in his head. One also has one beam lamp in between every two sluggers, making it three beam lamp. Similar to Noa shom has his Noa Aegis, One has a shuriken shaped star attached behind his back.

Virus Mode

One corrupted form, his green colour changes to dark green and other colour changes to black and gun metal.



  • Human Form:One Otari
  • Transformation item:One Bracelet, Will Power
  • Age: His series is 7,600 years and his current age is 18,000 years old.
  • Home World: Land of Light
  • Weight: 35,000 tons
  • Heigh: 49 meters
  • Swimming Speed: 350km/h (Normal Form, Aura Form, Strongform), 1000km/h (Speed form), 1300km/h(Wisdom Form)
  • Flying Speed: Mach 10(Normal,Sluggers),Mach 8(Blaze),Mach 15(Agile),Mach 18(Wisdom)
  • Strength:215,000tonnes
  • Hobbies: Fighting, Swimming,Sweets
  • Dislikes: Bullying, Training, the name Belial

Body Features

  • Protectors:The armor on his chest similar to Zero that give him Solar Power. But it can also used to fired beams and absorb powers. His Armour is the most sturdiest part if his body as it is impermeable to most attacks but not the strongest attack.
  • Color Timer :His timer color behaves like other Ultras, although One can be active for as long as he can withstand the stress on his whole body. Also, his life force is also stronger than other Ultras.
  • Triple Sluggers: The sluggers chest on his head similar his father.
  • Beam Lamp: A feature inherited both from Zero and Seven. Used to fire beams and recharge his energy.
  • Ultra Armor: One's skin it is resistant to fire and misslies. It is special as it is also resistant to cold and chemical explosions. But, all green Ultras have all this resistance.
  • Eyes:One eyes can see through Dark environments or see though the Ultra Armor.
  • One Bracelet: One possess a bracelet in his hands.

Standard Abilities

Powers that One can use in all forms.

  • Emerium Cannon: A green ray of light One fires from his beam lamp. This is One's version of the Emerium Ray and Emerium Slash.
  • Ultra Powers: One possess the standard powers an Ultra should have in the Land of Light such as acceleration, teleportation, telekinesis and his ability to change his size ans recharge.
  • One Edge: Light bullets, orange arrow bullets.Used to down foes that are flying on the sky.
  • One Barrier: Using his powers,he can erect a square barrier with his both hands. Although One can use his barrier in all forms, he is only seen using it in his normal form.
    • One Hyper Release: One can reverse the shield and fires it as a form of a ball like bomb.
    • One Hyper Beam: One can reverse the shield and release electricity beam from it.
  • One Pure Shift: One's dimensional field, erected when One summons a blue ray of light to the sky. It enpowers himself and weaken others to his advantage. Although it is strong, Virus is able to break out of this with his claws.
  • One Bracelet:A bracelet,given by UltraSeven who One was young and One can use the bracelet powers for various abilities and use it in all forms.
    • Solar Light:A powerful blinding flesh from the bracelet,can be used to blind foes.
    • Form Change: One can change to other forms at will when needed to.


Normal Form
Special Moves
  • One Cross Shot: '+' style ray. More powerful than the Wide shot. One first raises his hands to gather sunlight, charges his protectors with energy, gathers energy from his bracelet and fires it in a '+' style manner. However, later it was used as an ordinary weapon as One simply charges his bracelet and fires the beam. It is a rainbow color ray as it could be only used once in battle on Earth as it also drains One energy away, such rules does not apply in space or other planets. It destroys the molecular bond of cells of target, they will vanish into blue light and be destroyed in an explosion. This is One's normal form's second strongest attack.
  • Specium Shot: One's alternate finisher apart from his One Cross Shot, One gathers light energies and thrusts his hands in 'L' style. While not as powerful as One Cross Shot, it can destroy less powerful foes in one blast. Despite that, when One was younger this was his only attack before he obtained One Cross Shot and other attacks.
  • Rainbow Slash: By charging his beam lamp with enough energy, One can release multiple beams of Emerium Cannon that has different colours.
  • One Rainbow Light: One's most powerful and his ultimate move, One bring his both arms forward and creates a large rainbow coloured spiral galaxy. After that, One unleash a rainbow ray from his entire body by spreading his arms out. This drains One's energy drastically. It was used against Belial and Fusion Virus.
    • Enchaned One Rainbow Light: During the battle with Fusion Eight King, One can fire a much more powerful version of One Rainbow Light. But, it requires Giga, Xena and Zero's energies to enpower One.
  • One Timer:By charging sunlight into his beam lamp and protectors, One's color timer will start to release massive amounts of energy. One then releases a very powerful ray from his color timer that could cause deadly burns against fires. However, can only be used in the presence of sunlight. A weaker version of it can be used in place without any sunlight. Used in episode 5.
  • One Double Shot:One can fire a very strong ray of light from his both hands. Can be used as a finisher, it can calm the evil thoughts of evil beings and return them to their original forms. It can also cause deadly burns against foes that cannot be calmed. Used in episode 5.
  • Triple Sluggers Slash:One can place his three sluggers into his protectors and fire a very powerful plasma energy from it. It is very powerful as it rivals Zero Darkness's dark twin shoot in power.
  • One Blast: One can fire a ray of blue light from his beam lamp. One can use this to scan invisible or hidden objects. It can also use as a attack to knock back foes several yards away.
  • One Inner Light: One can open his protectors, there is an energy core inside it. One can fire an orange beam from it. One can use this to break free after being held upon.
  • Judo:One fights in a judo/martial arts style similar to karate. He gains this from his young training and teenage training time. Thus,he has a fighting style same as Zero and Leo.
  • One Kick: A basic kick. There a flying kick, side kick and slender kick.
    • Ultra One kick: A flying kick similar to the Leo kick. One leaps 1000 meters high and input energy in his legs with fire and kick the opponent. Can destroy monsters in one blow.
    • One Shockwave Kick:One engulf his leg with the supergravity waves and kick his foes.Shockwaves are seen.
  • One Basic Punch:A basic self punching techniques.
    • Shockwave Punch:Punch version of the kicks.
    • One Multi Chop:One can chop his foes at fast speed for multiple times.
    • One Knuckle:One charges his hands with pure energy and he can relase an energetic punch that can knock down foes.
    • One Punch Breaker:One can release great power and punch his foes and break their bones.In Strong form,he can pry open arms and jaws.
    • One Fiery Punch: A punch from One's fist covered with flames.
  • One Lifting: One can lift monsters like Ultraseven.
  • One Locking: One can lock opponents with his hand or leg and throw them.
  • One Head Power:One can summon great strength in his head and hit foes great energy.
  • One Shoulder Flush:One can charge at opponent with strength and rams them with his shoulder.
  • One Neck Tightener: One can summon strength and break the necks of enemies.
  • One Haisuto Swing: One can lift the tail of a monster and swing it around.
  • Ultra Great Power: One can temporary summon great strength from his both hands to pry open jaws or hands.
  • Ultra Kick Tactics: Like his father, One can charge energy in his foot and kick with his triple sluggers.
  • One Whip: One can use his hands the whip his foes.
  • One Elbow:One can attack with his elbow with Shockwaves.
  • Deflection:One can deflect energy blasts with his hands.
  • One Protection:One's protectors is the most sturdiest parts of his armor, he can protect himself from attacks that are hitting his protectors but not the strongest attacks.
  • One Hyper Seal:One can use the shield and summons a golden barrier that covers a huge area and One will fight his foes inside the shield. It is an alternative to his dimensional field. Another version is where One wraps around his foes as an energy rope.
  • Ultra Combination Drift: An attack with his One Cross Shot along with Xena's and Giga's finishers. Another variant of this attack when One combines his One Cross Shot along with S and Mebius finisher.
    • Ultra Final Drift: One uses his One Rainbow Light along with Xena's Xena Explosives and Giga's Giga Thunder Especially to create a golden energy splash towards foes. This was used in a devastate effort to defeat and end Fusion Virus but it was absorbed and blasted back by Virus, it costs all three of their lives before they formed Contrast.
  • Energy Restoration: One can restore energy to other ultras.
  • One Converter:One can convert nearly minus and darkness energies with his bracelet to pure light energies.He can then channel this power to unleash an energy beam and enpower himself.
  • One Sluggers:3 pairs of crest weapons on One's forehead,One always uses two in combat.
    • Sluggers Attack: One mentally controls his third slgger to slash foes while uses two in his hands to slash opponen.
    • One Shuriken: One can transform his triple sluggers into a star with three sides and uses it as a boomerang weapon.
    • One Shuriken Spark:By combining the One Shuriken and Lightning Spark Lance,One can create a powerful trident weapon.
  • Lightning Spark:A spark device.

Blaze Form

This is One's red giant form.In this form, One has greatly improved strength but the cost is that speed is not that fast a those in his normal and speed form.

One blazing render
Special Moves
  • One Garnet Shot/One Blazium Beam:X Style Beam. One charges his hands with fiery energy, and fires an orange beam in X style. It can destroy monsters in one blow, Blaze Form's version of the One Cross Shot.
  • One Inferno Ray:One punches his opponent with a fist and send them flying several yards away with a ray of energy.
Physical Moves
  • Blaze Kick: Stronger version of the One kick, it can slice through monsters.
  • Blaze Punch: Punch version of strong fiery kick.
  • Counter Chop: A punch where One slices through the monster's head.
  • XX Sluggers Attack: Using his sluggers, One runs at his opponent by slicing a X symbol in the monster body.
  • XX Punch: By crossing a X in his hands, One charges his hand with fire and boxes his opponents.
  • One Power:One can summon a great amount of strength from his body to pry open arms and jaws.
  • One Knuckle:One can deliver a very powerful version of punch from his hands and punch against his foes. Foes will be knocked back by this attack and weakens.
  • Improved Strength: One has improved strength that helps him to deal with strong monsters without trouble and it makes normal form more stronger. However, One lacks speed in this form.
  • One Pure Shift: Same technique used to summon his dimensional field.

Aglie Form

One speed form,One's blue form.It is rarely used in the series.This form is only suitable for combat in space.This form improves One speed but the cost is that it is not so strong as those in strong form.

One Agile form render
Special Moves
  • Soul Purify Calming Wave:One can fire blue particles from his hands to calm down aggresive monsters and reach their inner goodness and kindness. This is able to even purity souls of vengeful and innocent souls such as One Darkness. With the help of the Lightning Spark, One is able to completely pure One Darkness's wicked heart.One Otari can ue this in human form as well.
  • One Shrinking Ray: One can shrink larger foes into the same size as himself.
  • One Vanisher:One charges his hands and thrusts his hands in '+' style.One can fire an blue energy wave towards foes. It is able destroy monsters in one blow, One version of One Cross Shot in this form.
  • Pressure Overcome:In this form, One speed and mental abilities is also boosted. One is able to overcome great pressures under the sea that is able to weaken an unprotected Ultra completely.
  • Agile Punch:A fast punch in this form.
  • Agile Kick:A fast kick in this form,this is a flying and a slender kick.
  • Agile Rotation Swing:One lifts up his opponents and swing them at incredible fast speeds and flings them after that.
  • Healing:One is capable of healing any wounds in a very fast manner unlike his other forms,this is overcome the inability to take many damage in this form.
  • Teleportation:One is able to teleport at very fast speeds without the cost of using to much energy.
    • Acceleration:One can teleport himself into a blur to run and flight at extremely fast speeds, this is used to avoid energy blasts and enemy attacks.

Rainbow Form

A form of One use when fighting Ultraman Reuz. In this form, One receives high mental boost and improved strength and speed than his other forms. One is covered in a rainbow aura in this form, this is his second most powerful form after his Wisdom Form.

  • One Phoenix Aura:One engulfs himself with gold aura and rushes toward his foes. This is more powerful than his One Rainbow Light.
  • One Rainbow Light: One's finisher in this form.Very powerful.
  • Enhanced Strength and Speed: In this form,One speed and strength has been boosted.
  • Powers of Normal form: One has all the powers of his normal form in this form.

Crescent Form

A form similar to Cosmos Eclipse Mode.This form comes from Reuz's powers and lunar power.Because of that One needed to change into his speed and strong form first, this can only be used for 1 minute.However, One must merge with One Otari first so that he can transform into it.

IMG 0681
Special Moves
  • One Moonlight: One's primary attack in this form, he first charges energy from his One Brace and he fires a ray of moonlight energy from his both hands.
  • Lunar Blade: One can summon a blade like Cosmos's Eclipse Blade. Powerful enough to knock down monsters.
  • Spark Slash:Charged version of the One Edge, One can fire a Ray version of the One Edge.This had drastically effects on the opponent.
  • Cross Shot:One's version of the One Cross Shot in this form.It is a 'L' style ray.
  • Laser Ray:One can launch a powerful laser beam from his both eyes.
  • One Laser Blow:By placing his hands in 'X' style, One can fire a red laser beam from it hands.More powerful than One Moonlight.This consumes much of One's energy,meaning it can only be used once per battle.It is this form's strongest attack.
  • Arrow Slash:By generating an arrow from his protectors,One can release a bow like string from his right hand against the opponent.It can pierce through the most powerful armor.This is first used against One Darkness.
Physical Techniques
  • One Kick:A basic kick.There is dive kick, suspend kick , sudener kick, laser kick.This includes a powerful fire flying kick.
  • Flying Kick:One can kick his foes by imputing energy into his legs with firery power.Enough to slice through foes.
  • One Punch:A basic punch.
  • One Chop:A basic chop.
  • Haisuto Swing :A basic swinging of its foes.
  • One Tighting:One uses this techniques to strangle or tights it foes badly into they can't move.Examples include neck tighting, kneel tighting.
  • One Driver:Similar to Zero Deliver.
  • One Bang:One can charges his hands with fiery ball and using his hands to release a fiery chop/punch against foes.
  • Potion Equipped(Name Unknown):Using a special potion in his body, One can expelled organisms around him or calm or pure monsters.
  • One Suspend:Simialr to Cosmos's Eclipse Blow Shot.One can suspend a huge amount of rocks, objects on the ground towards flying foes by firing a tornado.
  • Balloon Shot:One can gathers energy around its body and cup it into a ball and releases the ball towards its foes.
  • One Shield:One can summon a shield to protect himself from attacks and he can release it as a beam to reverse the attack.
  • Pure Release(Name Unknown):One can summon a light aura from his whole body to reverse the dark dimensional field and changes it back to his own dimensional field.


One's second most powerful form. This is acheived when One knows he true potential as he will be fully mastered to power of light of pure as he has all the hopes and his hearts he fought in his battles. He is a super ultra in those form.

Special Moves
  • One Cross Shot:His '+' style beam that he uses in his base mode.It is improved.
  • One Final Rainbow Light:His normal form most powerful finisher.
  • One Garnet Buster:His Blaze form's strongest finisher.
  • Ultimate Vanisher:A 't' style beam where he uses when he is in Agile mode.
  • One Laser Blow:It is a 'x' style beam.It is improved.
New powers
  • Wisdom Core:A core of plasma energy Cannon from One's full body.This is to release One hidden energies to pure area of darkness and pure all the dark energy to light energies.This is similar to Nexus's Generator Knckle.
  • Wisdom Ray:A very powerful full light of purity beam when One places his hands in a 'L' style ray.Strong molecular bonds are broken down into small particles when it is hitted by this attack.
  • Omni Arrow:A crescent shaped energy burst arc released from either hand or both hands.It can pure monsters and dark lived beings to their original forms without the need to use Wisdom Core.
  • Wisdom Shield:One's body is now covered by a golden aura when One activates it.One becomes invincible and cannot be hitted by attacks.
    • Shield:One can release golden sparks from the shield to attack any area of a distance.It has a destructive effect against powerful foes.
    • Golden Burn:One can release the true power of the shield by covering himself with more aura and rush towards foes and burns them with the aura spark.
  • One The Ultimate:One's Wisdom Form most powerful attack.One releases all his light of purity energies and fires it towards his opponent,it can destroy anything in pieces and ashes,this attack is more powerful than Legend's Spark of Legend.This attack cannot be dodged or blocked by it.This is Wisdom Form greatest techniques.
  • One The Reverse:One curls a ball of golden energy and starts to charges it into a bigger ball of purity and can reverse and revive any beings and to reverse any damage done by evil beings.This is Wisdom Form greatest technique as well.Doing this will cause One to revert back to his normal mode.
  • One Epsecially Blow:One can combine his One Final Rainbow Light and One Cross Shot to form a very powerful type of attack to foes.He can combine it with Reuz's powers to make it more powerful.
Physical arts
  • One Spark Kick:One engulfs himself with golden aura in his legs with gold Shockwaves and kick towards his enemies.
  • One Spark Punch:Punch version of the kick.This moves is similar to Noa Inferno.
  • One Bone Breaker:One rams his foes with his shoulder that can be used to break bones and bodies.
  • One Head Ram:One uses his head to knock foes.
  • One Lifting:One can lift his foes with strength and throws them.
  • One High Spin Kick:One spins himself and delivers a very fast kick towards foes.
  • One Golden Whip:One can use his hands or legs to whip his foes like his normal form.
  • One Hyper Flight:Powering his own energy,One can flight at very high speeds without hand movements.
Other Techniques
  • One Crossover:In this form,One can summon a pocket dimensional door to travel to other universe and other dimensions.
  • One Drift:One uses this to move as a blur and to teleport.
  • Invisible:One can become invisible to dodge attacks and appear at another place.
  • Improved Strength and Speed:One has improved strength and speed.
  • Light Shield:One can summon a pure shield made up of light of purity to protect himself from attacks.
  • Light Abilities:One light abilities are move improved and enchanced,he does not need to charge to use them.
    • Pure Sphere:One can summons a pure sphere for travel and transport humans safely from a monster.
    • Healing Factors:One can heal himself very fast and he can cure wounds on an Ally body by touching them.
    • Mentality:One can mentally control his three sluggers and have a better and improved telekinesis for him to use.
  • Powers of other forms:This is unknown but there are rumours that One can use his other techniques from his other forms but they are improved.

Virus Mode

A new form of One after One fuses with Xena and Giga to form Contrast,it is a side effect after the fusion.This form debuts in Ultraman One:The Final Showdown.In this form,One converts his triple sluggers into a bow with a shield in the middle with his triple sluggers attached beside the bow called the Slugger Spark.


Hexagonal Form

Hexagonal Form is One's Ultimate Form acheived when any Ultras from Land of Light and Scorpium Ultras transfering their light to One. On top of that, One fuses with Ultraman Zero and UltraSeven, granting him the Sixtuple Sluggers. One also fues the powers of his every form to acheive this. One appearance also changes to represent that of Zero Beyond such as having three beam lamps on his forehead. One also has a Shurien attached to his back. One only uses this against Evil Messiah. It is more powerful than Wisdom Form.

  • Sixtuple Sluggers
    • Hundred Sixtuple Sluggers: One duplicates his Sixtuple Sluggers into one hundred copies and atatcking his foes. Can cut through any objects.
    • Sixtuple Sluggers Slash: One uses his mental powers to bring forth his slughers and flings it at foes. The sluggers will then slahses foes multiple times before returning to One.
Special Moves
  • Hexagonal Chest Beam: One flys high and fires a very powerful chest beam from his chest. This has enough power to break through Evil Messiah's tentacles when his previous finishers cannot. This beam can cause devastating damage to the surroundings as well.
  • Emerium Triple Burst: One also flys high and spinning around, charging his three beam lamps and fires a very powerful beam from his head. All seperate beams from each beam lmap is combined into One.
  • Hexagonal The Final: One's final technqiue, One releases all the light that has been given to him. One then creates a large halo circle of light in front of him. One then fires a golden beam towars the halo and slamming at foes. This is stronger enough to finish off Evil Messiah when combined with Cure's Oceanic Drift. It's powers is immense as it destroyed the entire Evil Realm as well. However, such technique exhausts One greatly as he will be reverted back to his Normal Form.
  • Hexagonal Blades: One summons two very large blades of Light of Purify, holding the blades in his two hands and throwing it at foes. It is twice his height when summoned.
  • Hexagonal Reverse: Although not demonstrated, One can reverse any damage caused in this form or any foes, at the same time, One can revive his allies and bring back th balance of light and darkness.

Virus Mode
This is the corrupted form of One while possessed by Virus.


  • One is the first Ultra to merge with a human(One Otari) as a human host becfore offically taken over him as he human form due to an accident that causes his life in the movie.
  • Despite being a descendant of Ultraseven and Ultraman Zero, One Otari does not transforms using an Ultra Eye but using One Bracelet via willpower.
  • One's design is inspired from Ultraman Zero and Ultraseven as a whole. But three of forms are directky inherited from Zero's mode changes, Blaze, Agile and Rainbow.
    • If One to be given a life acion suit, it will greatly represents Ultraman Orb's Emerium SLugger but with Zero's Protectors instead. Hence, One forms are direct tributes to Zero's and Orb's forms.
    • Normal=Orb's Emerium Sluuger/Zero's Normal Form
    • Blaze=Orb's Burnmite/Zero'
  • One story is orignally a rip-off and combined of Ginga's and Zero's backstory but was scrapeed to give a more original backstory for One and make him feel more original.
  • It is unknown whether One can use One Rainbow Light on his own power as One can use it during his fight with Fusion Eight King with an enhanced version and also use it during his fight with Fusion Virus despite low energy. However, during his fight with Belial, One was only able to use it when the Lightning Spark shown brightly. Also, it is unknown whther One can also use Wisdom Mode in his own power as he activated it during his fight with Treedon with only Zero's help and his dimensional field.
  • One is the first Ultra to not debut in a series of his own, he appears in the crossover before that. One has also receive more assistant from other Ultras than SACD Members, showing One is still inexperienced in some cases.
  • One's Lightning Spark is not the same as Ginga Spark, with no relation to it.
  • One is the youngest Ultra to become a father, being 10,000 years that time, making the fourth generation to Seven's family. However, he is the first to bear a daughter instead of son.
  • One inherited his green colour from his mother.
  • One design is done by UltraGrenburr 123, Cdr, Dtf while his drawings is done by Apezx, thanks guys!


Zhu Huong Ng Ultras and Chronicle
Protagonist Ultras Ultraman One | Ultraman Spectrum | Ultraman Geed | Ultraman Rosso | Ultraman Blu | Ultrawoman Grigio | Ultrawoman Divis
Supporting Ultras Ultraman Xena | Ultraman Giga | Ultrawoman Lila | Ultrawoman Zeth | Ultrawoman Jane | Ultraman Kato | Ultraman Zero | Ultraman Azura | Ultraman Zanki | Sombre | Ultrawoman Atlanta | Mizuo
Tertiary Characters Ultraman Orb | Ultraman Zenith
Fusion Ultras Ultraman Contrast | Ultraman Uzone|Ultraman Seminar | Ultraman Gruebe
Tomoya Family (Scorpium Ultras) Ultraman Cure | Ultraman Virus | Ultrawoman Yvon | Ultrawoman Minous | Dark Sceptor | Ida | Reltas
First Generation (Scorpium Ultras) Ultraman Celestial | Ultraman Vader | Ultraman Trident | Ultraman All | Ultraman Lava | Ultraman Windy
Evil Scorpium Ultras Ultraman Delete | Dark Miasma | Dark Chaos | Dark Gale | Vampir | Dark Corona | Dark Hexa
Second Generation (Scorpium Ultras) Ultrawoman Flora | Ultraman Sprout | Ultraman Dabra | Ultraman Dune | Ultraman Tsuchi | Ultraman Kaze | Ultrawoman Blitz
Dark Ultras and Imitators Belial | Ultraman Emperor | Dark Baron | Ultraman Noxe | Soulless Ultras | Ultraman Breaker | Dark Seiba |Ultraman Tregear |Ultraman Zero Darkness
Special Guests Ultra Brothers
Notable Elders Ultrawoman Arasi | The King
Main Series Ultraman One (Continuity) | Light and Darkness(The Series) | Ultraman Virus: The Aftermath | Geed Reboot Series | Ultrawoman Divis (series)
Spin-offs Ultraman Virus Gaiden: The Scorpium Ultras | Ultra Fight Geed
Movies Ultraman One vs Ultraman Virus: Darkness Corruption | Ultraman One and Ultraman Reuz vs Showa Ultra : Cho Final Showdown | Scorpium Ultras: Rises of Good and Evil | Climatic Battle! Ultraman One and Ultraman Reuz vs Faust! | Ultraman Geed The Movie: Connect the Wishes (Reboot Series) | Unite! Ultras from 26 Universes: Defeat the Dark Sorcerer! | Ultraman Geed the Movie: The Blood of Belial | Scorpium Ultras The Movie: Fate! Scorpio Universal Calamity! | Ultraman R/B The Movie: Power of Family Bonds | Ultrawoman Divis The Movie